EngineMusic Links
Got an interesting car link? Let me know. Note - I don't do "banner exchanges".
Other Interesting Car Sites:
Jalopnik A daily car blog. Irreverant and amusing.
Animated Engines Very neat site with animated engines.
Pelican Parts has some cool vintage repro posters.
Kustomrama Kustom and old-school rod site.
Enthusiast Apparel Cool car T-shirts.
At Speed Images Only small images are available for preview, larger by pay. Massive event listing.
The Bugatti Page All sorts of Bugatti information.
Barchetta Mostly Ferrari and Maserati.
Tam's Old Race Car Site Great collection of vintage racing pics.
A2Z Racer is the personal site of driver Tony Adamowicz. Fantastic site.
Classics.com Just what the label says.
Classicscars.com Has some great chassis number lists. Some mangled English
Serious Wheels Classic, Sports and Muscle Cars.
American Torque Mostly American V8s
StationWagon.com, a site dedicated to the station wagon. Now static.
Wrecked Exotics has LOTS of pictures of what happens when people have more money than talent.
Wagons of Steel, another station wagon site. I first ran across them when they were a paper-based 'zine.
FerrariTurbo, an independent Ferrari site. Lots of pictures.
Other Mechanical Oddities:
Aircraft Engine Historical Society Photos, drawings and articles about aero engines.
The Internet Craftsmanship Museum Amazing examples of model engineering.
The Museum of Retrotechnology Mechanical amplifiers, steam airplanes, odd engines and more.
Handy Tools:
Audacity The best open source audio editor available.
JAlbum is a great piece of software for net picture galleries.
FileZilla, a very good FTP client.
Shelexec Add Shelexec to create an autorun Windows CD ROM.
Analog is the webserver log analyzer I use. Freeware and very good.
Net Utilities:
The Acronym Finder - computer types are even better than the US government at coming up with acronyms (abbreviations). Find out WTF that acronym means!
Web interface to whois database. Find out who owns domain names.
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has a database of Top Level Domain definitions. Go here if you need to find out what country codes like .ca stand for (hint - it's not California).
Pair Networks - the webhosting company I use and am very happy with. When you care enough about your website that you will pay not to have banner ads, start here.
I've been listening to a lot of Boot Liquor lately. Mostly alt country.
I also enjoy listening to Groove Salad, groovy electronic music.
Allmusic is an essential music reference guide.
Slashdot Primarily aimed at the Linux crowd, this site also has great information about happenings in the computer world.
Internet Freedoms and Security:
Operation Clambake info and resources about the Church of Scientology.
The Church Of Scientology vs. The Net
More info about the Church of Scientology
Hate spam? Who don't? Support the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email.
Gibson Research Corporation has some excellent info on internet security. Required reading for anyone with a high-speed internet connection.
Sheldon Brown's website has excellent historical and tech information about bicycles. Essential for any DIY bike mechanic. Sadly, Sheldon died early February 2008. Hope the site will be kept up...
Fark.com, a site of user generated headlines. The Photoshop competitions are hilarious.
What Would Tyler Durden Do, a not-very-nice celebrity gossip site. Not Safe For Work.
The Filthy Critic is a lewd and funny movie critic.
The Onion, a weekly online humor magazine. Sometimes quite funny, sometimes not.
The online toaster museum. Well, what can I say?
Phone Spell - What does your phone number spell?
Awkward Family Photos Don't we all have family photos we regret?
People of Wal-Mart Sigh. Sometimes I miss America.
Al Lowe's Sight Gags A collection of funny pictures. Bonus - site owner wrote PC game "Leisure Suit Larry".
You Drive What? Collection of bizarre cars.
Cargo Law, The website of Countryman and McDaniels, a marine law firm. Interesting reports on marine disasters. It's a big, mean ocean and lots of bad things can happen out there.